Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Beating Winter Blues The Ayurvedic Way!

Typically characterised by the still environment, dry winds and chilly nights, winters are the time to snuggle into your blanket and binge watch Netflix with hot chocolate. Winters are certainly beautiful but this season also makes many people susceptible to various diseases.

Children and pregnant women are most susceptible to diseases during this time, which is why they must take special care of themselves. 

According to some of the Best Gynecologist In Delhi, woman must take their health issues seriously during chilling winters because what may look like any other normal problem right now may turn into something serious in the future. They also recommend Ayurveda and Yoga as a good option to maintain a heathy lifestyle during winters 

Here are some Ayurvedic health nuggets to stay disease free during winters. 

Start your day with Yoga:  Adding yoga and breathing exercising at your day’s inception is the surest way to boost your immunity system. Parents should aim to inculcate this good habit in young ones from an early age. Going for an early morning walk is also extremely helpful during winters but only when there is not much cold outside. 

Immunity boosting diet: Adding immunity-boosting food like yogurt, vegetables, whole-grains, and clarified butter will keep your body warm and away from the winter flu. An Ayurvedic diet is wholesome, organic, and easy to digest.    Stay away from commercially processed and frozen food products. Some people also have a tendency to go for a non-vegetarian diet and alcohol during this time. It is suggested to not go for them as it will hamper the digestive process.

Add good amount of Vitamin C in your diet: Vitamin C facilitates smooth digestion and boost immunity levels. If you are suffering from a severe cough for 2-3 days at a stretch then it is suggested to have lemon juice with water and honey at day’s inception. Don’t forget to add ginger tea to your daily routine, it will keep your body warm and protect organs present in the chest and stomach region. Have a good amount of garlic in your diet as it has antiseptic properties and acts as a great healing agent.   

In case, you are suffering from a medical ailment for a very long time then we suggest you seek a professional medical help soon. You can go for Fortis La Femme for good medical care. The institute especially has best gynecologist and breast clinic in Delhi.  

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Breast Cancer: Know The Early Symptoms

Breast cancer, that is considered one of the most dreaded diseases in women, may not even cause any symptoms. A lump can be too small to feel or examine or to particularly notice any unusual changes that you can take note of on your own. One can only settle if the lump is a symptom or not when an abnormal area turns up on screening mammogram or x-ray of the breast, which then leads to further testing. 

However, if you are feeling that the lump is new or a mass of the breast is painless, hard and has uneven edges, then it is most likely to be a cancer. Although not necessarily that lump has to be exactly as mentioned above, but can also be tender, soft and rounded. Therefore, it is advised to have it checked at a breast clinic in Delhi.

As per the experts below mentioned act as a symptoms to breast cancer, but should be once confirmed from the doctors.

  • Swelling in all or parts of the breast.
  • Irritation or dimpling
  • Pain in the breast
  • Nipple pain or turning inwards
  • Nipple or breast skin turning red, scaly or thick
  • Nipple discharge other than breast milk
  • A lump in the underarm area.

Early on, a woman may notice a change in her breast when she performs a monthly breast exam or minor abnormal pain that doesn’t seem to go away. Early signs of breast cancer include:

  • changes in the shape of the nipple 
  • breast pain that doesn’t go away after your next period
  • a new lump that doesn’t go away after your next period
  • nipple discharge from one breast that is clear, red, brown, or yellow
  • unexplained redness, swelling, skin irritation, itchiness, or rash on the breast
  • swelling or a lump around the collarbone or under the area
  • A lump that is hard with irregular edges is more likely to be cancerous.

Later signs of breast cancer include:

  • retraction, or inward turning of the nipple
  • enlargement of one breast
  • dimpling of the breast surface
  • an existing lump that gets bigger
  • an “orange peel” texture to the skin
  • vaginal pain
  • unintentional weight loss
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit
  • visible veins on the breast

Having one or more of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have breast cancer. Nipple discharge, for example, can also be caused by an infection. See your doctor for a complete evaluation if you experience any of these signs and symptoms.

Fortis Lafemme is one of the finest hospitals that provide a team of qualified doctors and experts to look after the needs of a patients suffering from breast cancer or carrying any of the above symptoms.

Apart from this, critical surgeries like weight loss surgery, uterus removal surgery or infertility treatment is also done at Fortis LaFemme. The medical assistance provided here is world class and unmatched. 

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Why Regular Health Check-Ups Are Important?

Fortunately, our country provides a vast variety of medical care with highly accomplished doctors.

A vast majority of people have started paying importance to their dental, reproductive, and mental off-lately because they know that precautions today will benefit them in long term.

As per the best Gynecologist in Bangalore, ladies must have a full reproductive health checkups after the age of 15 so that their reproductive health remain stable. 

Visiting the doctor on regular basis is the key to a healthy and happy life.

Doctor appointments help you find any kind of problems or ailments in your system before they become dangerous.

Regular check-ups identify any kind of future risks and nip them in the bud before it gets too late.
This is especially important for children, as their immune systems are not fully developed making them vulnerable to diseases, they also ensure that your child grows into a healthy adult.

When it comes to the safety of your health, every parent wants to visit the best doctor.

As seen in many cases, diseases can easily go undetected and can be very dangerous in later stages, hence, it is always better to be up to date and aware of your health status, doctors enable you to do so.

It is important you meet face to face with the doctor and know all credentials about it. A regular heath care regime is a must on the road to building a happy life.

Since we are already in the midst of winter season, all must take extra care of their health.

Woman and children should get themselves completely checked during the changing season because it affects them the most.

Woman who are suffering from any kind of reproductive disorder or undergone any birth control operation for female off lately must take these issues seriously as they have continuously changing bodies.

We wish you a happy and healthy winter and make sure you make a medical appointment to embark on a healthy journey.   

Friday, 10 November 2017

Take care of your health during winters

Ever thought why you most people fall sick in winters? Well, this is definitely the right question to ponder upon as winters are just a few weeks away from us. Even though bacteria are the prime reason behind cold and various diseases and it could caught you at any time of the year but winters are actually the time when most people fall ill. This is because immunity and speed of rejuvenating cells slows down during winters.  

Since it is cold outside, you are forced to be indoors a lot, making you in constant contact with other family members who may be carrying the germs. Cold climate is not the direct reason to fall ill, but it definitely increases the chances of catching an illness, as your body is busy fighting the cold rather than protecting itself from germs. 
Babies and pregnant ladies are especially vulnerable to viruses during winters, which is why it is important one should take care of them especially during this time. Here are few clues to beat the winter blues this season. 
Keep yourself hydrated: This washes out the germs and eliminates any threats of illness. Winters are extremely dry and depressing season, hydrating yourself with warm water, soups, and juices is a good idea to keep yourself regenerated.  
Moisturize and apply oil: Moisturizing yourself with warm essential oils is a good idea to prevent skin dryness. It is especially good for ladies planning to have stretch mark removal treatment post-delivery. Apply sunscreen on them before they step out for the day, as the winter sun can be harmful. 
Take regular health check-ups: Regular health check-ups are a must. It is always a good idea to be precautious. There should be no compromises in the quality of doctors, especially for your children. 
Before choosing a doctor- go through their credentials, ask other parents who have taken their kids their before, ensure that he/she has good bedside table manners, meet the doctor face to face and make sure your child likes him/her. 
Keeping healthy is very important, as each time you get sick your immunity gets weaker. Ensure that your child has a nice wholesome diet in the winters in order to fight the germs and bacteria. Also give them chewable supplements – vitamins and minerals. Follow these few tips to help your child remain healthy this winter season. 

Monday, 23 October 2017

Types of Ovarian Cysts & Best Treatment

Most women go through the experience of having a cyst on the ovaries at least once in their lives. Most of them are painless and are usually discovered during a routine pelvic exam. Cysts come in various forms and treatment for the same varies with respect to the seriousness of the ovarian cyst. There are various solutions available for ovarian cyst removal which usually revolve around natural supplements, exercise and sometimes even surgery.

Let’s have a look at the kinds of ovarian cysts that usually occur and how to tackle them most efficiently:

Functional Ovarian Cyst:

Occurring due to follicle maturation malfunction, functional cysts are of two kinds. A ovarian follicular cyst happens when the follicle fails to rupture and release an egg. The follicle grows to form a cyst. The second type is a corpus luteum cyst which happens when the opening in the follicle seals off to accumulate fluid and grow into a cyst. Functional ovarian cysts are mainly painless, come with no symptoms and even go away without treatment. However, in cases where treatment is required, patient is recommended hot water treatment and pain relievers.

Dermoid & Cystadenomas Cysts: 

The former are complex cysts that develop from cells producing human eggs. Therefore, they may contain hair, teeth and skin. Cystadenomas are cysts that develop from ovarian tissues and is filled with mucous or liquid. While not being cancerous, they may cause damage to the ovary, which can include twisting, tissue scarring, and formation of adhesion. Natural methods are not the right call to order for treating such cysts. A doctor or a physician would the best guide for any ovarian cyst treatment. They are most effectively treated with conventional surgery or laparoscopy.


This kind of cyst is formed when displaced endometrial cells attach themselves to the ovary and form a growth known as endometriosis. This kind of ovarian cyst is more commonly known as a chocolate cyst, which is fairly common in women with low infertility. Laparoscopy is the best way to remove this cyst, especially while it is still small, because an enlarged cyst may cause bleeding and destruction of the ovary.

Polycystic ovaries: 

One of the biggest concerns in modern medicine, an ovary may become polycystic in nature due to imbalance in estrogen. Many small cysts develop in a row within the ovary that may resemble small pearls. Primarily associated with PCOS, polycystic ovaries become enlarged causing reduced fertility. While there is no successful treatment for PCOS, one may need to take medication, improve diet and inculcate regular exercise every day to contain any side effects of the same.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Infertility: Know everything you need to understand it better

Infertility is a condition that is seen affecting approximately 1 out of every 6 couples. The diagnosis of infertility is suggested to a couple when they are unable to conceive after the efforts for over a year. Female infertility factor contributes to almost 50% of all infertility cases.

Causes of Female infertility- Ovulation is the main issue when it comes to female infertility. Other than that damage to fallopian tubes or uterus, or complications with cervix can also result in infertility. Another natural issue because of which infertility occurs in women is age. With an increase in age, the fertility naturally tends to decrease.

A woman might face problems with ovulation because of hormonal imbalance, a tumor or cyst, anorexia or bulimia, alcohol or drug use, thyroid gland problem, excess weight, stress or even extremely brief menstrual cycle. Another cause of infertility- damage to the fallopian tubes or uterus is caused because of pelvic inflammatory disease, polyps in the uterus, endometriosis, a birth defect, scar tissue or a previous ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.

How to diagnose female infertility- Female infertility is generally assessed through a thorough physical examination. The examination consists of potential factors that might result in infertility. Some of the tests conducted are:

  • Urine or blood test for hormonal imbalance.
  • A pelvic exam or breast exam.
  • A sample of cervical mucus and tissue to determine if ovulation is occurring.
  • Laparoscope inserted into the abdomen to view the condition of organs and to look for blockage, adhesions or scar tissue.
  • HSG, which is an x-ray used in conjunction with a colored liquid inserted into the fallopian tubes making it easier for the technician to check for blockage.

How is Infertility treated- Infertility is treated as per the problem. Different causes of infertility have different treatment. Some of the doctors use taking hormones to address a hormone imbalance, endometriosis, or a short menstrual cycle. Other methods for the same is taking medications to stimulate ovulation, using supplements to enhance fertility or taking antibiotics to remove an infection.

However, if infertility is non-treatable, doctors recommend going for IVF (In-vitro Fertilization). To avail infertility treatment in Delhi, you can refer to Fortis LaFemme, who have expertise in the matter and hold a team of doctors who understand the whole process properly.

How can female infertility be prevented- It is not to be believed if someone says that infertility can be prevented. However, the possibilities can be avoided by following few measures. Some of them are mentioned below:

•    Take steps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
•    Avoid illicit drugs.
•    Avoid heavy or frequent alcohol use.
•    Adopt good personal hygiene and health practices.
•    Have annual check-ups with your gynecologist once you are sexually active.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Make your Skin Look Better with These Methods

Human skin undergoes many changes over years. From being supple and youthful to degenerating over time, you see it all. And if you are contemplating on how to get rid of loose skin, then your answer is right here – Botox Treatment.

What is Botox?

Botox Cosmetic is a mixture of botulinum toxin type A, human albumin (a human blood plasma protein) and sodium chloride in measured quantities, that smoothens out the glabellas or frown lines, leaving behind younger looking skin. Wrinkles in the skin are typically formed perpendicular to a contracting muscle located beneath it. Botox Cosmetic when injected into muscles blocks the nerve impulses to those tissues which results in reduced frown lines and a smoother look. Botox treatment in Delhi takes about 2 to 4 days and the maximum effect usually occurs within two weeks. As the injection hurts a bit, the area is numbed using aesthetic cream or cold pack before the treatment begins.

What all is Botox used for?

Apart from its cosmetic use, Botox is used to treat:

• Severe neck, shoulder, and hemi-facial muscle spasms

• Chronic migraine

• Excessive sweating

• Overactive bladder, etc.

Can anyone use Botox?

Though Botox is a simple treatment, it must be done under the medical supervision of an experienced doctor. The treatment doesn’t take much time but should be avoided or delayed if the patient is:

• Allergic to any ingredient present in Botox Cosmetic

• Allergic to other botulinum toxin brands like Myobloc, Xeomin or Dysport

• Has ongoing skin infection

• Has breathing problems like asthma

• Has difficulty in swallowing food or water

• Has plan to undergo any surgery or have had facial surgery

• Has weak forehead muscles

• Is on medication, supplements, etc.

Consult a reputed dermatologist or skin tightening treatments clinic like Fortis LaFemme in Delhi before you undergo the Botox Cosmetic treatment. They also specialize in laser treatment in stretch marks.

Laser therapies are medical treatments that use focused light. Unlike most light sources, light from a laser (which stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is tuned to specific wavelengths. This allows it to be focused into powerful beams. Laser light is so intense that it can be used to shape diamonds or cut steel.

In medicine, lasers allow surgeons to work at high levels of precision by focusing on a small area, damaging less of the surrounding tissue. If you have laser therapy, you may experience less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgery. However, laser therapy can be expensive and require repeated treatments.

Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Precautions to be taken post IVF surgery

IVF, today is one of the most effective was to deal with infertility issues. It is obvious to have so many questions when you decide to try IVF.  It is a complex procedure so you’re bound to be concerned about its effectiveness. The following precautions will help you after the embryos have been transferred.

-Quit Smoking

One can’t lay enough emphasis on this point. It is paramount to quit smoking.  When you smoke, you inhale toxins that can affect your pregnancy. It is equally important to avoid being a passive smoker as the second-hand smoke can cause great harm to the lining of your uterus. IVF treatment in Delhi and all other cities becomes a little tougher because of the excessive pollution. Stay indoors as smoke from vehicles is equally damageable.
-Avoid Intercourse

Post the transfer of Embryos engaging in sexual intercourse is a strict no. Having sex will increase the risk of developing vaginal infections. Also, your ovaries heal if you shun vaginal sex.

- Avoid Heavy Lifting

Staying away from taxing activities is paramount.  Avoid lifting heavy weights, especially during the first couple of weeks to confirm that you’re pregnant. The IVF procedure causes stress to your abdominal muscles and lifting heavy objects will further aggravate the stress. Avoiding tough household work for some time is also recommended. 

-Avoid Hot Baths

It is advisable to avoid taking baths for a fortnight post the transfer. This precautionary measure is taken to ensure that no foreign substance enters the vagina and causes infection. An infection can cause great harm including a miscarriage. If it’s really important, then you can take showers.

- Avoid Strenuous Workouts

It is related to the same precaution of not lifting heavy weights. Heavy aerobics and exercises are not recommended after the IVF procedure, but you should go for light exercise such as walking to keep you healthy.

- Take Progesterone

Taking progesterone is paramount. Maintaining pregnancy is without progesterone is next to impossible. There is no denial that your body produces progesterone naturally but one needs to ensure an adequate supply of artificial progesterone as well in the form of injection or whatever is suitable. You may have to take injections until the 12th week of your pregnancy, after which your body begins producing enough of progesterone on its own.

-Avoid Alcohol and Other Drugs

Once you have conceived after IVF, it is important to avoid alcohol as much as possible. You should at least limit the intake if you cannot avoid it completely. The same is true for caffeine and other drugs.

Along with all the precautions stated, one must take plenty of rest and have a good sleep cycle. Keeping a positive attitude helps greatly and makes your pregnancy stress free. Infertility treatment in Delhi is the best and doctors from those clinics swear by these precautions. 

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Precautions to be taken post a uterus removal surgery

Hysterectomy or uterus removing surgery is a complicated procedure and its side-effects stay long after the surgery.  Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the only way to fight these post-surgery side-effects. In case you are highly troubled by sudden weight gain, insomnia, and irritability due to fluctuating emotions, it’s high time you start taking the post-surgery precautions a little seriously. Here is what you need to do after a hysterectomy or an ectopic pregnancy surgery.

Weight loss is the key: One should not do exercising and heavy weight lifting right after the surgery but after 2-3 months, you can continue with your exercising schedule. More exercising means, more muscle building and eventually your immune system will become stronger. Once you have lost a few pounds, you can do things normally. Besides being physically painful, the uterus removal surgery is also mentally and emotionally tiring for a woman. Once you will start exercising, your body will start coming in proper shape and you will be able to handle your mind and emotions in a much better way.

Take a nourishing and fulfilling diet: Increase the intake of fruits like grapes, oranges, limes, or any citrus based food in your daily diet as they are great antioxidants and increase immunity. Also add grains like oatmeal, brown-rice, and cereals in your daily diet to add a high amount of fiber and protein to your palate. We suggest you to be a bit careful while choosing proteins and fats. Avoid taking trans-saturated fats it can adversely affect whatever changes that are going in your body.  

Add a good amount of calcium in your diet: After uterus removal surgery, the body starts secreting estrogen and pro-estrogen in minimal amounts, which in turn affects a woman’s body adversely. There are high chances of one becoming prone to osteoporosis as the bone density is also affected due to small secretion of these hormones. In order to stay away from these issues, women should increase the intake of calcium in their daily diet. They can either rely on natural sources such as milk, cheese, or green veggies or take synthetic Vitamin D capsules.     

Go brisk walking: This is perhaps the best way to start your exercise routine. 20-30 minutes of walking everyday can help you reduce a lot of weight. It will help in healing your body and make you feel active. You can start brisk walking one month after the surgery. Just make sure, you do not exert yourself.  

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

6 remedies to get rid of stretch marks

Motherhood is a beautiful journey. It is a phase where physical and emotional changesbecome a way of life. Excitement, pain, mood swings, 'happy go lucky 'moments -- it's an emotional roller coaster takes the mother's world by storm, until the baby's first movement in the real world comes through.  

We believe a great birthing experience is every woman's right. And that's where maternity units play a major role. The best maternity hospitals in India like La Femme, do just that-- encapsulate motherhood as the moment of life. That said, motherhood comes with its own share of anomalies -- stretch marks being the most common. Many mothers find it concerning, but good news is they can be countered. That too without burning your pockets.
Try these 5 time-tested home remedies and see the difference for yourself:

1. Castor Oil – This oil is used in the treatment of various skin problems like wrinkles, acne, pimples, fine lines, dark spots. It’s a very good remedy to remove stretch marks too. Apply some castor oil on your stretch marks and massage gently in a circular motion for 5-10 mins. Repeat this process daily for a month.

2. Potato Juice
– Potato juice is rich in vitamins and minerals that improve growth and restoration of skin cells and is awesome in eliminating stretch marks. Cut a potato into thick slices and gently rub it on the affected area making sure the startch covers it. Wash it off with luke warm water after few minutes.

3. Aloe Vera – Known for its healing and soothing properties Aloe Vera is great for treating skin problems and is helpful in removing stretch marks. Take some in your hands and rub over your stretch marks, leave it for 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

4. Egg Whites
– Eggs are rich in protein and amino acid which prove to be a great source to eliminate the stretch marks motherhood has given you. Whip the egg whites in a bowl. Clean the affected area with some water and then apply the same with a makeup brush. Let it dry and then rinse it with cold water. Apply some aloe vera gel to keep your skin moisturized. Repeat the process everyday.

5. Lemon Juice
– Another great remedy to use is lemon juice. Its acidic nature can heal and reduce stretch marks and make your belly look beautiful like before. Apply fresh lemon juice on your stretch marks in a circular motion, leave it on for 15 minutes, let your skin soak in all the juice and then rinse with warm water.

6. Sugar – Sugar works as a wonderful skin exfoliant. Its coarse texture is great in removing dead skin and stretch marks. Mix a tablespoon of raw white sugar with some almond oil and lemon juice. Use this mixture for your stretch marks everyday before taking a shower.

These home remedies should help you but if you'r eyeing quick results, you should instead go down the cosmetic surgery route.The best hospitals for cosmetic surgery offer advanced treatments that in a few sittings turn things around....completely! Yes, it's goodbye stretch marks' and hello, beautiful mom-- all in a matter of a couple of days.