Monday, 23 October 2017

Types of Ovarian Cysts & Best Treatment

Most women go through the experience of having a cyst on the ovaries at least once in their lives. Most of them are painless and are usually discovered during a routine pelvic exam. Cysts come in various forms and treatment for the same varies with respect to the seriousness of the ovarian cyst. There are various solutions available for ovarian cyst removal which usually revolve around natural supplements, exercise and sometimes even surgery.

Let’s have a look at the kinds of ovarian cysts that usually occur and how to tackle them most efficiently:

Functional Ovarian Cyst:

Occurring due to follicle maturation malfunction, functional cysts are of two kinds. A ovarian follicular cyst happens when the follicle fails to rupture and release an egg. The follicle grows to form a cyst. The second type is a corpus luteum cyst which happens when the opening in the follicle seals off to accumulate fluid and grow into a cyst. Functional ovarian cysts are mainly painless, come with no symptoms and even go away without treatment. However, in cases where treatment is required, patient is recommended hot water treatment and pain relievers.

Dermoid & Cystadenomas Cysts: 

The former are complex cysts that develop from cells producing human eggs. Therefore, they may contain hair, teeth and skin. Cystadenomas are cysts that develop from ovarian tissues and is filled with mucous or liquid. While not being cancerous, they may cause damage to the ovary, which can include twisting, tissue scarring, and formation of adhesion. Natural methods are not the right call to order for treating such cysts. A doctor or a physician would the best guide for any ovarian cyst treatment. They are most effectively treated with conventional surgery or laparoscopy.


This kind of cyst is formed when displaced endometrial cells attach themselves to the ovary and form a growth known as endometriosis. This kind of ovarian cyst is more commonly known as a chocolate cyst, which is fairly common in women with low infertility. Laparoscopy is the best way to remove this cyst, especially while it is still small, because an enlarged cyst may cause bleeding and destruction of the ovary.

Polycystic ovaries: 

One of the biggest concerns in modern medicine, an ovary may become polycystic in nature due to imbalance in estrogen. Many small cysts develop in a row within the ovary that may resemble small pearls. Primarily associated with PCOS, polycystic ovaries become enlarged causing reduced fertility. While there is no successful treatment for PCOS, one may need to take medication, improve diet and inculcate regular exercise every day to contain any side effects of the same.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Infertility: Know everything you need to understand it better

Infertility is a condition that is seen affecting approximately 1 out of every 6 couples. The diagnosis of infertility is suggested to a couple when they are unable to conceive after the efforts for over a year. Female infertility factor contributes to almost 50% of all infertility cases.

Causes of Female infertility- Ovulation is the main issue when it comes to female infertility. Other than that damage to fallopian tubes or uterus, or complications with cervix can also result in infertility. Another natural issue because of which infertility occurs in women is age. With an increase in age, the fertility naturally tends to decrease.

A woman might face problems with ovulation because of hormonal imbalance, a tumor or cyst, anorexia or bulimia, alcohol or drug use, thyroid gland problem, excess weight, stress or even extremely brief menstrual cycle. Another cause of infertility- damage to the fallopian tubes or uterus is caused because of pelvic inflammatory disease, polyps in the uterus, endometriosis, a birth defect, scar tissue or a previous ectopic (tubal) pregnancy.

How to diagnose female infertility- Female infertility is generally assessed through a thorough physical examination. The examination consists of potential factors that might result in infertility. Some of the tests conducted are:

  • Urine or blood test for hormonal imbalance.
  • A pelvic exam or breast exam.
  • A sample of cervical mucus and tissue to determine if ovulation is occurring.
  • Laparoscope inserted into the abdomen to view the condition of organs and to look for blockage, adhesions or scar tissue.
  • HSG, which is an x-ray used in conjunction with a colored liquid inserted into the fallopian tubes making it easier for the technician to check for blockage.

How is Infertility treated- Infertility is treated as per the problem. Different causes of infertility have different treatment. Some of the doctors use taking hormones to address a hormone imbalance, endometriosis, or a short menstrual cycle. Other methods for the same is taking medications to stimulate ovulation, using supplements to enhance fertility or taking antibiotics to remove an infection.

However, if infertility is non-treatable, doctors recommend going for IVF (In-vitro Fertilization). To avail infertility treatment in Delhi, you can refer to Fortis LaFemme, who have expertise in the matter and hold a team of doctors who understand the whole process properly.

How can female infertility be prevented- It is not to be believed if someone says that infertility can be prevented. However, the possibilities can be avoided by following few measures. Some of them are mentioned below:

•    Take steps to prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
•    Avoid illicit drugs.
•    Avoid heavy or frequent alcohol use.
•    Adopt good personal hygiene and health practices.
•    Have annual check-ups with your gynecologist once you are sexually active.