Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Best Ways To Initiate Weight Loss During Thyroid Treatment

The thyroid gland, although small in size has the potential of causing huge impact on bodily functions. It is a common fact that most of the patients suffering from hypothyroidism complain about obesity too without any apparent reasons. Even after religiously taking all medicines, achieving significant weight loss might be a bit difficult. Following certain guidelines can help you in your journey towards weight loss while recovering from thyroid. Here are some of the natural things you can do:-

1. Follow a balanced diet:-

Certain nutrients especially selenium and iodine play an important role in the functioning of thyroid gland. Iodine helps synthesize the thyroid hormone while selenium ensures smooth circulation of iodine. Having a rich diet full of useful nutrients, fruits, and green leafy vegetables in an effective balanced way can help reduce weight. Do not avoid carbs or follow a zero diet as they can deteriorate your health further instead of giving long-term benefits.

2. Do not skip medicines:-

While dietary changes and exercise are essential, medicines play the most important role in ensuring proper functioning of the thyroid glands. Take medicines only after consultation with a certified doctor and not someone’s recommendation for thyroid treatment in India or anywhere for that matters differs from person to person. The dosage too must be taken care of. 

3. Follow a proper sleeping pattern:-

According to experts, women who get to sleep less than 5 hours a day usually weigh more than those who take a regular sleep of 7 hours. Obesity has a direct link with sleep especially for those suffering from thyroid. Hence, maintaining and following a proper sleep cycle is essential to boost up the weight loss process. Make sure to have at least 7 hours of sleep every day.

4. Intake more water and fiber:-

Adequate hydration helps a lot insufficient metabolism. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. This will serve a dual purpose of helping you remove toxins from the body while keeping you full and preventing you from eating unnecessary snacks. Follow a fiber-rich diet as fiber-rich food passes through your body literally untouched. Hence, it can help substantially in weight loss for especially for thyroid patients.

5. Exercise frequently:-

Feeling dull, tired and lazy is common for people suffering from thyroid. Exercising frequently can help a great deal in boosting metabolism and regaining the active state of the body. Regular walking sessions are equally beneficial to build up the stamina. Exercise also releases the happy hormone, oxytocin that beats stress.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

4 Common Body Problems Faced By Women

Nobody is perfect, there are a list of problems and concerns that everyone has. There is no need to be ashamed of your imperfections as the whole idea is to accept and embrace them. Believe it or not, complaining about these issues just makes everything worse, so just relax as they can happen to literally anyone. 

Beauty is all about how you feel from within and not about how you look on the outside. Anyhow, we do have solutions to these problems, but the key is being patient as you won’t get rid of them in a day. Here is a list of 4 main concerns that women have along with their remedies. 


Cellulite refers to the fat deposits under the skin that are usually formed on the thighs and buttocks. Women are more likely to develop it. Although losing weight may help reduce cellulite, even thin people have it. To lessen the appearance of this, you can use coffee exfoliants, almond oil, skin firming and smoothing serums, dry brushing, mesotherapy etc.   

Excessive Hair Growth-

Some women have too much hair on their body due to genetics, diet, health issues etc. Hair removal is not a new trend and there are many ways to get rid of these follicles. Waxing has been around for a while but it’s also a very painful process. With the development of technology, many new devices have been created which remove hair in a painless way. Laser hair removal treatments have become famous worldwide, though expensive, they permanently get rid of all kinds of hair in a very effective manner.

Stretch Marks-

Stretch Marks are long and narrow, stripes or lines that appear on the skin. They occur in a range of body parts, such as the stomach, thighs, buttocks, breasts, under the arm etc. Although anyone can develop stretch marks, women are more prone to developing them. This scarring happens due to pregnancy, weight loss, excessive weight gain, puberty and other events that cause your body to stretch a lot. There are many ways to prevent these but once you already have them, the best way to get rid is laser treatment for stretch marks. The laser beam removes thin layers of skin around these marks and once the procedure is complete, the area will heal quickly and new layers of healthy skin will develop. 

Vaginal Discharge-

Vaginal discharge is a very normal process that takes place in the female reproductive system, this helps clean the system and prevent any sort of infection- so then what is abnormal about this process? Since the amount of discharge and time period for which it occurs is different in every woman, changes in color, texture, smell etc. can be caused due to many reasons such as vaginitis, chlamydia, diabetes, PCOS, or from taking certain medications like birth control pills. It's necessary that if you notice a change in your vaginal discharge, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or irritation, you seek medical advice immediately to determine the cause and receive treatment if necessary.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Types Of Hernia You Should Know About

A hernia occurs in the human body when an organ pushes through an opening in the tissue or muscle that keeps it in place. For instance, there is a possibility that the intestines break through a weak portion of the abdominal wall.

Hernias aren’t life-threatening immediately, but they can cause potentially dangerous complications and don’t go away on their own, hence requiring surgery. Hernias are most commonly found in the abdomen and are also spotted in the upper thigh, belly button and groin area in the body.

Below are the types of a hernia that occur in the human body:

Inguinal Hernia

This type of a hernia is the most common and makes up 70% of all hernias. Inguinal hernias take place when the intestines push through a weakened area in the lower abdominal wall, most often in the inguinal canal. This canal is located in the groin area; in men, it is situated where the spermatic cord passes from the abdomen to the scrotum. The spermatic cord holds the testicles in place. An inguinal hernia is more common in men as compared to women as a man’s testicles descend through the inguinal canal shortly after birth and if the canal doesn’t close properly behind them, it leaves a weakened area susceptible to hernias.

Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernias are most common in individuals over 50 years old. It occurs when a part of the stomach juts out through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. If a child has the condition, it may be caused by congenital birth defects. Hiatal hernias result in gastro-oesophageal reflux, which is when the contents of the stomach leak backward into the oesophagus causing an uncomfortable burning sensation.

Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical hernias take place in children as well as babies that are under 6 months old. This occurs when the intestines protrude through the abdominal wall close to the bellybutton. A bulge will be visible in or near the child’s bellybutton, especially when they’re crying if they have an umbilical hernia.

If you or someone you know suffers from any of the above-mentioned hernias, be sure to seek out the best hernia surgeon in Delhi and get the required treatment immediately.