Aging is inevitable. But are the signs of aging too? No, not at all. We’ve seen our grandmothers and mothers falling prey to sagging skin, droopy eyelids, wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, crow’s feet and other markers of age. But our fete can be different from theirs with a few lifestyle changes and medical treatments. Following are a few tips will help you look younger forever. Read on to know them:
Get Enough Sleep
One of the first steps you can take towards your fight against aging is taking a good night’s sleep. Even one night of disturbed sleep can cause puffy eyes, and make you look dreary and pale the entire next day. Imagine if that’s what one night can do, what kind of detrimental effect a series of bad nights can cause on your skin. Thus it is extremely important to ensure that the sleep you are getting is not just 7 hours minimum but also uninterrupted and of good quality. A good sleep cycle will retard the aging process.
Eat Healthy Fats
Most of us follow almost anything we read on the internet and the latest fad Is to avoid fats. A common but baseless belief that fats make fat are making people ditch them. It’s actually the bad fats, sugars and processed carbohydrates that deserve the title of increasing one’s waistline. Good fats such as omega 3 acids are present in fish, flax seeds, walnuts, salmon, chia seeds, eggs and must be consumed in balanced quantities. These fats are responsible for improving metabolism and the quality of your skin. A diet that lacks in fat can cause sagginess, dryness, inflammation and make the skin to get wrinkly.
Another myth common amongst the masses is that Botox is harmful. Botox is an absolutely safe procedure guaranteed to give you a youthful experience. Botox treatment in Delhi or any other big city is done under careful supervision by trained practitioners.
Other things that you can do for a younger looking skin include minimizing stress and exercising regularly.