Tuesday, 18 December 2018

How To Reverse The Signs Of Aging?

Aging is inevitable. But are the signs of aging too? As soon as we see those blemishes, little wrinkles, and pigmentation on the skin, we know that we have to take a little extra care of our skin. As far as woman are concerned, as soon as they reach their mid-30s they start acknowledging those changes on their skin. 

Interestingly, with a few lifestyle and beauty treatments, one can reverse the aging process and still look charming. Following are a few tips will help you look younger forever. Read on to know them:

Get Enough Sleep 

One of the first steps you can take towards your fight against aging is taking a good night’s sleep. Even one night of disturbed sleep can cause puffy eyes, and make you look dreary and pale the entire next day. Imagine if that’s what one night can do, what kind of detrimental effect a series of bad nights can cause on your skin. Thus, it is extremely important to ensure that the sleep you are getting is not just 7 hours minimum but also uninterrupted and of good quality. A good sleep cycle will retard the aging process. 

Eat Healthy Fat

Most of us follow almost anything we read on the internet and the latest fad Is to avoid fats. A common but baseless belief that fats make fat are making people ditch them. It’s actually the bad fats, sugars and processed carbohydrates that deserve the title of increasing one’s waistline. Good fats such as omega 3 acids are present in fish, flax seeds, walnuts, salmon, chia seeds, eggs and must be consumed in balanced quantities. These fats are responsible for improving metabolism and the quality of your skin. A diet that lacks in fat can cause sagginess, dryness, inflammation and make the skin to get wrinkly. 


Another myth common amongst the masses is that Botox is harmful. Botox is an absolutely safe procedure guaranteed to give you a youthful experience. Botox treatment in Delhi or any other big city is done under careful supervision by trained practitioners.

Other things that you can do for a younger looking skin include minimizing stress and exercising regularly.    

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Diet For Improving The Thyroid Gland Function

The butterfly-shaped gland located in the front of our neck is known as the thyroid gland. It has two side lobes that are connected by the isthmus in the middle. The brownish red colour gland contains many blood vessels that include important nerves required for voice quality. Also, several hormones are secreted from the thyroid gland that control various bodily functions like our metabolism, growth, body temperature, etc. Also, brain development in infants is highly dependent on the thyroid gland.

To ensure proper secretion of the thyroid gland, necessary steps should be taken like selecting our diet wisely. The thyroid gland is a very crucial part of our body and in case of any complication arises, immediate thyroid treatment in India is required. However, to avoid such situations, mentioned below are 4 foods that we should consume to facilitate our thyroid secretion:-


Iodine is an essential mineral required for proper secretion of the thyroid gland. Studies show that even a little deficiency of Iodine in our body leads to thyroid related complications. Besides iodized salt, seaweed is one of the biggest sources of Iodine. We can prepare it in any way as long as the iodine level in the seaweed does not drop.


Selenium is another nutrient that is heavily necessary to control the secretion of the thyroid gland. Deficiency of selenium in our body is one of the root causes of thyroid disorders. Salted nuts like Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, and hazelnuts are some of the sources of selenium one can find. 

Fish (Baked)

Inflammation in the thyroid gland is an issue that many encounters. This causes several problems in our body and increases the risk of Hashimoto’s disease. Doctors suggest eating baked fish like salmon, cod and other fishes that are rich in selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients and minerals are highly essential to avoid hypothyroidism. 


Dairy products such as yogurt, milk, ice-cream contain high levels of iodine. Iodine helps to prevent the enlargement of the thyroid gland that is often referred to as Goiter. Also, yogurt has vitamin D that helps in regulating the immune system of our body. Deficiency of vitamin D results in complications like Hashimoto’s disease, etc.

The aforementioned foods are very essential for ensuring our health. However, if you ever face any complication, visit a doctor as soon as possible. As thyroid treatment in India is quite advanced, professional doctors provide good treatment to cure it.    

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Things You Should Know Before Beginning IVF Medication

In Vitro Feralization (IVF) is the only way for many women to conceive and enjoy the pleasures of motherhood. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) enables women who are unable to get pregnant naturally. IVF treatment in India or anywhere else in the world involves a medication routine that brings more than some changes in your life. Therefore, before you decide to undertake this procedure, here are a few things that you must know about IVF and ART:

Compromising the Schedule is out of the Question

The IVF treatment includes a strict medication regimen to enable egg production, building the uterine lining, preventing ovulation etc. While it can be a little overwhelming to follow the prescription, you cannot slack once you embark on this journey. The schedule is created to improve the functioning of your ovaries and the slightest delays can compromise all the effort. You may set alarms or reminders on your phone or any other device to ensure you take the doses on time.

Find Your Zen While Using Injections

It is common among many patients to be afraid of handling syringes. For this reason, self-administering the initial Follistim, Gonal-F or Bravelle can be strenuous. These medicines can be easily administered; all you need to do is hold the syringe properly in 3 fingers, make a cushion of the skin near the navel and insert the needle. It is essential to stay calm before administering the drug. Since it issues a little bit of discomfort, you can use a cool compress to ease the sensation at the site.

Dietary Changes

Any kind of medication regime changes your bodily functions and you must change your diet accordingly. The medication in IVF treatment is known to cause constipation. You might feel nauseated even if you take to home remedies. The easiest way to ease the discomfort is to shift to a high fiber diet on a regular basis. Eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and stick to plant-based proteins. Moreover, you should drink plenty of water.  

Add foods like salmon, berries, dark leafy greens since they are anti-inflammatory. Finally, ensure that you get proper rest; sleep at least 7-8 hours every day.  

Get Professional Guidance

You may be advised progesterone, which is produced naturally by the body after ovulation. Doctors usually prescribe this as a part of the treatment, which can be intramuscular or vaginal. When it comes to the latter, it can be complicated as well as messy. Therefore, you are advised to get professional assistance on the same. The pertaining intramuscular injections cause considerable soreness, which you will have to take care of by using a heating pad. 

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Some Amazing Facts About Botox

For the fashion fiestas and those who never want to compromise on looks, Botox is probably the first thing that comes to mind when wrinkles begin to appear. Since its discovery in the late 1980s, Botox has become a longstanding staple of the beauty industry with numerous cosmetic and clinical uses. Having garnered a reputation for itself, Botox has emerged as one of the proven methods for treating fine lines and wrinkles. Here are some other amazing facts about Botox you need to know before booking your next session-

The Risks And Side Effects Are Very Few

The risk of developing an infection from Botox is almost slim to none. The main ingredient Botulinum toxin A, although might sound scary to you is actually just a natural protein having muscle-relaxing properties. Moreover, the amount of the protein present in Botox injection is carefully monitored and controlled, depending upon the situation. When going for Botox treatment in Delhi, it is advisable to be open about any health concerns or medications that you are taking for your treatment to be more effective.

It Won’t Give You A ‘Stiff’ Look

Unlike the popular belief associated with “frozen look”, Botox will make you look absolutely natural without interfering with your facial expressions when administered by a trained professional. They are aware of the correct procedure and dosage and give you amazing results quite instantly. Hence, it is advisable to search for a genuine and reputable source.

It Works On Muscles and Not Skin

Wrinkles develop when overused muscles get stuck in a certain expression. Since the active ingredient in Botox is a muscle relaxant, it effectively treats the wrinkles by releasing the tension which results in wrinkles. Hence, all you are left with is a smoother skin texture.

Varied FDA Approved Uses

Although it is most popular as a cosmetic treatment, scientists are coming up with more applications of botulinum toxin to treat a variety of health conditions. It is now approved to be used in the treatment of eye twitches, muscle spasms in neck, limbs or face, migraines, underarm sweat, and bladder dysfunction etc.       
It Fits Well Into Busy Schedules

Since Botox is a non-invasive method, the appointment usually lasts only an hour or so. Moreover, it doesn’t result in any side effects and lets you resume normal activities immediately after the session. You never have to think twice before availing the treatment, irrespective of the time. Refrain from doing so after or before exercising however as the high blood pressure can interfere with the results.
So if wrinkles are putting you down, worry not! Book an appointment for Botox treatment in Delhi now to stay young and beautiful forever!

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

What You Need To Ask From Your Gynecologist?

Most women in India are not comfortable with making a visit to the gynecologist. Some have wrong notions in their head and some are simply afraid.  For many, speaking about intimate issues to a complete stranger is not easy. Naturally, it can be challenging, however, it is essential that women schedule an appointment with their gynecologist every few months to ensure their reproductive health.

Also, women feel extremely anxious while asking some important questions. Well, the very first step for maintaining sound reproductive health is being friendly with your gynecologist and asking the right questions. Here is what you need to ask.     

What are the side effects linked with birth control

Usually, woman who take pills, experience side effects such as nausea, headaches, mood changes, breast tenderness or a drop in libido. Additionally, women using copper IUDs experience increased menstrual pain and bleeding during the initial months. If you are facing trouble regarding these matters then you must ask your gynecologist about the issues you may be facing with your birth control method. 

Genetic test before getting pregnant 

The answer to this question essentially depends on the woman and her partner. To predict if your partner has a possibility of passing on a genetic mutation there exist carrier screenings that make use of blood or saliva that can help you foresee such mutations. A gynecologist can refer you to the appropriate genetic counselor that can, in turn, help you figure out the pros and cons of your decision. It is recommended that you take help from some of the best maternity hospitals in India if you have an inkling that you are suffering from a critical medical issue. 

Accessing cancer risk 

Gynecologists may make use of a tool called the Gail model for women over the age of 35, which calculates the risk based on factors such as race, history, and family. An online version is available on cancer.gov where women can assess the risk on their own. Always inform your gynecologist about any swelling, lumps, change in breast size and nipple discharge you may experience.

These are a few of the important questions women must make sure they ask their gynecologist on their first visit. First visits can be nerve-wracking, but gynecologists are trained professions and will help you understand your body and the reproductive system better. 

Wednesday, 10 October 2018

3 Things To Look For In An Ivf Center

Coming to the realization that you would require extra help in getting pregnant is not easy for couples who suffer from infertility issues. With techniques like In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), medical science and technology have positively changed the scenario. Once you are through with the benefits which IVF has to offer, the next and perhaps the most important step is to look for the best IVF center.

There are a lot of IVF centers in India but to choose the best one among them, you need to do your research well ahead in time. This can be initiated by considering the following checkpoints –

  1. What procedures do they do? – To know about their procedures, their website must be taken into careful consideration. Apart from telling you their IVF procedures, it will also give you an overview of the additional treatments they offer in case you need them. For instance, additional treatment options like Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) are also being offered to the patients with fertility issues by exceptional IVF centers. 
  2. Understanding Success Rates – Many patients choose or ignore a particular IVF clinic based on their success rates but sometimes the presentation of success rates are misleading. Therefore, it is recommended to look at them from an individual perspective, meaning if they are relevant for you or not. As every patient requires individualized treatment, the success rates should also be measured individually. Once you understand this difference, the figures can be interpreted more accurately.  
  3. Approach – You need to carefully look into the clinic’s approach towards IVF. If they make you feel comfortable starting from your first appointment and give you the detailed instructions about the procedures involved, costs of the treatment, medicines and after-care tips, they must be preferred. All in all, good communication is the key here. 

If you have made up your mind about IVF, then Fortis La Femme, one of the best IVF centers in India, with their team of IVF specialists and doctors will make sure that you get the best possible treatment.

Friday, 14 September 2018

How To Boost Your Metabolism When Suffering From Thyroid

An underactive thyroid might be responsible for slowing down your metabolism and causing excessive weight gain. Losing weight under such circumstances can be quite frustrating. Moreover, a slow metabolism only aids in making weight loss an uphill battle.  Here are certain tips however that can help you give your metabolism a boost and lose weight-

1. Ensure An Optimized Thyroid Treatment-

When ensuring good health and trying to lose weight, getting a prescription from the doctor is not enough. You need to optimize your thyroid treatment in India in such a way that your cells receive enough oxygen and energy. It’s only when they do will they allow your metabolism to get better. Also, ensure to take your medicines on time and stay as active as you can.

2. Consider Going Gluten free-

Going gluten-free can significantly help you shed those extra Kgs. Initially, a lifelong gluten-free commitment isn’t required. Start gradually and if after three months, you notice a significant improvement, more energy and less bloating, it wouldn’t be incorrect to assume that it is working out for you.

3. Stay Hydrated And Limit Caffeine-

It’s not yet clear whether drinking water can improve metabolism but it’s a fact that your body needs adequate hydration to work well. Moreover, it keeps your energy levels up. Hence, you must drink adequate water each day. Avoiding caffeine is a plus point as it helps prevent dehydration.

4. Get Enough Sleep-

One of the best things you can do as a thyroid patient is to get enough sleep. According to research, women who tend to sleep less than 5 hours per night are more likely to become obese.  Hence, if losing weight is your goal, then you must complete at least 7 hours of sleep each night.

5. Exercise Enough-

The ability to improve metabolism with exercise cannot be underestimated. Indulging in aerobic exercises is a good way to start with. It not only raises your metabolism while you are active but also boosts your resting metabolism by letting your muscles burn calories and repair themselves. While high-intensity cardio is always better for improving metabolism, it’s not always necessary to hit the gym. Simple walking, jogging, swimming, and biking are enough to incorporate exercise into your everyday routine and boost metabolism.

Also, make sure to avail of thyroid treatment in India from a renowned hospital and follow a healthy lifestyle while being on thyroid medication.

Monday, 27 August 2018

4 Elements That Affect The Health Of Your Thyroid Gland

While the thyroid gland is one of the smallest body organs, some of the most significant functions in our body are performed by it. The endocrine gland monitors how quickly the body uses up the energy, makes proteins and reacts to other hormones. Unfortunately, even after being one of the most crucial body organs, thyroid diseases are more common than diabetes and heart attacks.

Intake of various ubiquitous chemicals found in our environment can be very dangerous for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. These chemicals can disrupt the processes of the thyroid gland and have serious impacts on your body, but thanks to the advancement of thyroid treatment in India people can be cured. Mentioned below are a few chemicals that we should avoid to ensure our good health.


Pesticides have become a common ingredient for growing crops and vegetables. Unfortunately, exposure to these harmful pesticides results in an abnormality in the functioning of the thyroid gland. People who have been exposed to these chemicals for some time tend to develop hypothyroidism and other thyroid related diseases.


Thiocyanate is a chemical commonly found in cigarettes and certain foods. While iodine is essential for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, thiocyanate prevents the synthesis of thyroid hormone. They maintain a balance that checks the synthesis of the thyroid hormone. Presence of too much thiocyanate in the body can result in a decreased production of thyroid hormone.


Perchlorate is a widely found contaminant that can result in hypothyroidism. It is a by-product of rocket fuel and is found in water, certain fruits, vegetables and dairy products. Perchlorate makes the thyroid gland incompetent of absorbing the required Iodine and results in an underactive thyroid gland. Even little exposure to this chemical can prove to be harmful. Thanks to the advancement of thyroid treatment in India, diseases like these can easily be taken care of.


Often, drinking water gets contaminated by fluoride. While it has been found helpful to reduce tooth decay, many studies suggest that fluoride can have harmful effects on the thyroid gland. Fortunately, the concentration level is generally not that high, but it may have problematic effects on children.  

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

What to Expect from a Cosmetic Surgery

With the prime focus to improve your physical appearance, cosmetic surgery came into subsistence centuries ago. Most of the people have always been fretful about their external appearance allowing surgeons to unearth the ways to help them out. Cosmetic surgery basically refers to a surgical procedure undertaken to reform the structure, position, and texture of a particular body feature. Estimation suggests that the number of cosmetic surgeries just doubled up in the past one decade, thanks to the intervention of technology. With more and more Indians going for it now, India has secured rank- 4 in a survey conducted by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 

Cosmetic surgeons can enhance the appearance of any part of the body. The most common techniques include – breast augmentation, or enlargement, liposuction, abdominoplasty, lower body lift, hair-transplant, rhinoplasty (nose job), and facelift. Less invasive treatments, which are collectively called Dermabrasion, may include fillers, grafting, and laser treatment, to basically treat acne scars, wrinkles, and facial creases. All of these procedures result in the tightness of the skin of a particular body part to achieve the desirable, ideal appearance. 

A lot of people get confused between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery. The reason is simple – both are performed to improve the patient’s body. But there is a significant difference between the two. While the techniques and principles of cosmetic surgery are focused on improving the appearance by enhancing the aesthetic quotient, plastic surgery is dedicated to the reconstruction of body defects due to birth disorders, burns, and diseases. So if you are primarily focusing on the aesthetics of the beauty, cosmetic surgery is the way to go.

Most patients who undergo the surgical procedure are either dissatisfied with their looks or suffer from psychological issues like low self-esteem. It is practical to gauge the success of these surgical procedures by attributing to the fact that they actually help in boosting up your self- confidence, which means your looks can no longer pose danger to your self-esteem. Patients who have been successfully operated add that they feel more confident in their skin, better than ever. A study published by the Association of Psychological Science showed that the risk of mental health problems can be resolved by feeling better about yourself, hence proving the lucrative results of cosmetic surgery. 

Cosmetic Surgery will change your life in a way that you will start feeling great about yourself. If you are looking for the best cosmetic surgeon in India, you would love to get in touch with the cosmetic surgeons at Fortis La Femme. Successful results are accompanied by how well you communicate with your surgeon about your ideal appearance, expectations, and fears. With surgeons at Fortis La Femme, you can show your apprehensions the back door and just focus on enjoying the best version of yourself.     

Friday, 10 August 2018

How IVF Technology is a Boon?

When Louise Brown, the first IVF baby took her first breath on the morning of July 25th, 1978, history was made. Several couples who were unable to conceive a child saw it as an opportunity to bring back their hopes of having a child. People’s experiences with infertility have always been very upsetting. Infertility turns up as the worst nightmare for any couple. In India, one out of every six couples is facing this tumultuous condition and the number is incessantly going up.

In-Vitro Fertilization technique allows the combination of egg and the sperm in vitro (in glass), which when successfully fertilized is being transferred to the uterus of the same or another woman to establish pregnancy. With its safest track records, IVF is so far the most lucrative type of assisted reproductive technologies. The technology has advanced since its advent in 1978 and is further improving. 

The success stories of IVF are innumerable. It has helped people achieve a successful pregnancy and a healthy baby. Ranging from women who had blocked fallopian tubes to older patients with low ovarian reserve, it has provided the best opportunities for all. Patients with male infertility problems are observed to have a pretty higher success rate of conceiving via IVF than naturally, with Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) facilitating the process.  IVF has also proved itself unbeaten in treating patients with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), where hormonal imbalance leads to irregular menstrual cycle and hence the patient faces difficulty in conceiving due to ovulation induction. Women with premature ovarian failure or menopause have also been benefitted from this technique, ascertaining its effectiveness. All in all, IVF has been very successful in almost any case of unexplained fertility and helped varied patients to cherish their dream of becoming a parent.

IVF’s efficiency is attributed to the fact that unlike other reproductive technologies, it has always been on the rising side. No other technology has undergone the same level of improvement as IVF did. It comes covered with techniques like Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening (PGS) which are some of the most reliable ways to ensure that the child conceived will not suffer from any disorder. PGS screens the embryos for chromosomal syndrome such as Down’s syndrome and perks up the chances of a more lucrative result. 

In India, infertility affects around 10-14% of the Indian population with slightly higher rates in urban metropolitan areas like Delhi and Mumbai. To help couples get the right IVF treatment in Delhi and other cities including Bengaluru and Jaipur, Fortis La Femme has been providing the best healthcare services. If you are looking forward to blessing your lives with a child, then consider Fortis La Femme, your home.  

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Few Things To Be Done Post An Embryo Transplant

People say that Motherhood is the biggest bliss in a women’s life and indeed it is. The very feeling of nurturing a life inside you can fill you with a sense of immense joy and gratitude. Unfortunately, for some becoming a mother can be a rather painful and difficult task. The problem of infertility is rampant these days, all thanks to the hectic schedules, unhealthy lifestyle, and a high amount of stress at workplace. 

Though infertility is an extremely complicated issue to be cured all thanks to the development in medical sciences, this problem can also be solved. All thanks to female infertility treatment, IVF, and embryo transfer, some couples can well-enjoy the bliss of parenthood. 

As easy as it may sound, getting an embryo transfer in the uterus can be an extremely tiring procedure. One has to make major amendments in their lifestyle in order to deliver a healthy baby. These 4 steps can help you take much closer to your aim of starting a family. 

Take Care of Your Health 

A successful IVF and healthy pregnancy depend heavily on your general state of health. Thus it is extremely important to follow a healthy lifestyle. Quit smoking, sleep adequately and avoid alcohol and coffee at any cost. If you are overweight or anemic then we suggest you add a good amount of iron in your daily diet and go for early morning walks. 

Reduce Your Coffee Intake 

Drinking more than five cups of coffee a day can negatively effect on your chance of getting pregnant. So cut back on the coffee and keep an eye on the amount of coffee you drink every day.

Consider Your Age 

Don’t wait too late to start IVF. Success rates with IVF decrease over age 35 and decrease sharply over age 40.  So, it is advisable to consult an expert earlier. If you are too eager to become a mom and delaying for one reason or another then we suggest you make up your mind soon. 

Take Folic Acid With Multivitamins 

It has been tried, tested and proven that a folic acid supplement helps reduce the risks of birth defects. That holds true for couples trying naturally and through IVF. Folic acid and multivitamins are extremely good for increasing the chances of conceiving and having a smooth pregnancy and delivery.  

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Tips For Women To Lead A Happy Life

Women are guilty of putting our health issues at the backseat as we are often busy fulfilling our duties and daily chores. Since they have an ever-changing body, they must take care of it so as to avoid problems in later stages of life.  

Hospitals like Fortis La femme are multi-specialty hospitals for women that take care of every problem a woman can potentially have. As the time passes women become increasingly susceptible to certain health issues. Here we mention a few of them.  

Pregnancy-Related Issues 

Perhaps the biggest medical milestone in a woman's life is birthing. Though it is the most special and blessed moment, let's admit it, it hurts like hell and is terrifying. Therefore, it can only help the nerves to book the best healthcare scheme and best gynecologist in Delhi as they know exactly how to treat the jitters that come with the labor pain.   

Infertility Issues 

There are many couples who are perhaps not so lucky when it comes to conceiving. This can lead to feelings of dejection and unbearable sadness, especially if the couple has been trying for a long time. There are many pieces of advice and procedures thrown at them in this period, so it is most advisable to refer to one point of contact when dealing with this problem. And what's better than a qualified source especially trained for this purpose.   

Oncological Care 

Women are prone to breast cancer and therefore it is important to handle any sign of cancer in the family with utmost seriousness. As breast cancer is genetic too, one should definitely get themselves checked if there is breast cancer in the family. Whether it is the diagnosis, the care or the treatment, these multi-specialty hospitals take care of a patient from the beginning till the very end of the procedure. 

Gynecological Need 

Reputed hospitals recognize that every woman is unique and requires special and personalized care. They offer all kinds of services for every problem that a woman can possibly have from her puberty to her menopause. Along with a compassionate and comfortable atmosphere, they provide a treatment plan to their patients, that is feasible and accurate.

Cosmetic Surgeries 

It is the age of Botox and cosmetic surgeries. Defying ageing and looking young is a choice lot of women are making. Whether it is plastic surgery, Botox or stretch marks removal treatment, these hospitals have a team of world-class surgeons who know exactly what works and are confident about every step they take. 

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Things You Must Know About Plastic Surgery

Like every other procedure, plastic surgery to has its pros and cons. While you can never predict the exact outcome, doing the right things to ensure safety is something you must know. For those who simply opt for a plastic surgery just to look beautiful don’t realize the importance of doing a research before-hand and end up with undesired results after spending a lot of money.  Here are things you must know to be surgery ready-
There are Always Risks and Complications-

Just because thousands of people are opting for it these days doesn’t mean that there are no risks involved in cosmetic surgeries. Although surgeries such as breast augmentation or liposuction are quite common and involve normal surgical procedures, the presence of risk is still there.  No matter whether it’s a heart surgery or cosmetic surgery, being aware of the risks well in advance is going to help you make a wise decision.
Life Takes a Pause for a While-

No matter whether the surgery is small or a big one, your body is still the same and requires sufficient rest in order to heal completely. While going on vacations right after a cosmetic surgery is highly not recommended, even doing regular physical exercise would be a complete ‘NO’ during those crucial days. Hence, be prepared to give your life a short pause before resuming normal activity again. Moreover, giving your body adequate time to heal is going to give you that beautiful look, to achieve which you underwent the surgery in the first place.

Traveling Abroad for a Surgery Can Put You in Risks-

While plastic surgery is never free from risks, complications are even higher in case you are planning to go abroad to get it done. There are always chances of a plastic surgery you so wish for, to go wrong. The worst part is you cannot claim legal protection after you are back to your country.  Hence, before going for a plastic surgery in any foreign country, do give it a second thought.

There is no Cheap Plastic Surgery Option-

Never search and ask for something like “cheap plastic surgery”.  Instead look for the best cosmetic surgeons in Delhi to avail quality services with minimum risks. When it comes to things such as cosmetic surgeries, quality must be your prime focus instead of price.  

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Botox Myths Busted

There’s no woman in the world who’d want look at an older self in the mirror. Sings of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, sagging skin begin to show as we get older. Thus many women opt for using aesthetic medical treatments like Botox, fillers, anti-wrinkle injections etc. If you too are thinking to get Botox Treatment in Delhi or any other big city did but are in a fix because of all the myths that circulate around the cosmetic procedure, then you must know the whole truth. The following article busts all your myths. Read on to know them –

1. Botox Gives You A Frozen Look 

There have been cases of Botox gone wrong where the person’s face has turned into an expressionless, plastic statue.  The amount of Botox injected into your facial muscles depends on the quantity you demand. If you want a softer look then that’s what you convey to the practitioner. Also, a skilled and experienced practitioner will be able to guide you on the right amounts and in fact help in enhancing your facial expressions by relaxing the muscles before injecting the Botox.  

2. Botox Is Only For When Lines And Wrinkles Start Appearing

Recent years have seen a sharp rise in the number of people who’ve opted for Botox Treatments that are for preventive purposes.  It has gotten super popular amongst women in their late 20’s and early 30’s. If you take preventions before you wouldn’t have to see lines and wrinkles taking away the youthfulness of your face later. 

3. Botox Is Toxic And Painful

It’s been more than 20 years now that skin clinics all over the world have been using botox treatments to make people look younger. It is tried and, tested and scientifically proven that Botox treatment is safe and the correct dosage is absolutely harmless to the human body.  It might surprise you that over 16 million successful Botox procedures have been performed all over the world and never has a report of side effects come to light. 

Thursday, 7 June 2018

How To Attain A Younger Looking Skin

Aging is inevitable. But are the signs of aging too? No, not at all. We’ve seen our grandmothers and mothers falling prey to sagging skin, droopy eyelids, wrinkles, fine lines, pigmentation, crow’s feet and other markers of age. But our fete can be different from theirs with a few lifestyle changes and medical treatments.  Following are a few tips will help you look younger forever. Read on to know them:

Get Enough Sleep 

One of the first steps you can take towards your fight against aging is taking a good night’s sleep. Even one night of disturbed sleep can cause puffy eyes, and make you look dreary and pale the entire next day. Imagine if that’s what one night can do, what kind of detrimental effect a series of bad nights can cause on your skin. Thus it is extremely important to ensure that the sleep you are getting is not just 7 hours minimum but also uninterrupted and of good quality. A good sleep cycle will retard the aging process. 

Eat Healthy Fats

Most of us follow almost anything we read on the internet and the latest fad Is to avoid fats. A common but baseless belief that fats make fat are making people ditch them. It’s actually the bad fats, sugars and processed carbohydrates that deserve the title of increasing one’s waistline. Good fats such as omega 3 acids are present in fish, flax seeds, walnuts, salmon, chia seeds, eggs and must be consumed in balanced quantities. These fats are responsible for improving metabolism and the quality of your skin. A diet that lacks in fat can cause sagginess, dryness, inflammation and make the skin to get wrinkly. 


Another myth common amongst the masses is that Botox is harmful. Botox is an absolutely safe procedure guaranteed to give you a youthful experience. Botox treatment in Delhi or any other big city is done under careful supervision by trained practitioners.

Other things that you can do for a younger looking skin include minimizing stress and exercising regularly.    

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Best Ways To Initiate Weight Loss During Thyroid Treatment

The thyroid gland, although small in size has the potential of causing huge impact on bodily functions. It is a common fact that most of the patients suffering from hypothyroidism complain about obesity too without any apparent reasons. Even after religiously taking all medicines, achieving significant weight loss might be a bit difficult. Following certain guidelines can help you in your journey towards weight loss while recovering from thyroid. Here are some of the natural things you can do:-

1. Follow a balanced diet:-

Certain nutrients especially selenium and iodine play an important role in the functioning of thyroid gland. Iodine helps synthesize the thyroid hormone while selenium ensures smooth circulation of iodine. Having a rich diet full of useful nutrients, fruits, and green leafy vegetables in an effective balanced way can help reduce weight. Do not avoid carbs or follow a zero diet as they can deteriorate your health further instead of giving long-term benefits.

2. Do not skip medicines:-

While dietary changes and exercise are essential, medicines play the most important role in ensuring proper functioning of the thyroid glands. Take medicines only after consultation with a certified doctor and not someone’s recommendation for thyroid treatment in India or anywhere for that matters differs from person to person. The dosage too must be taken care of. 

3. Follow a proper sleeping pattern:-

According to experts, women who get to sleep less than 5 hours a day usually weigh more than those who take a regular sleep of 7 hours. Obesity has a direct link with sleep especially for those suffering from thyroid. Hence, maintaining and following a proper sleep cycle is essential to boost up the weight loss process. Make sure to have at least 7 hours of sleep every day.

4. Intake more water and fiber:-

Adequate hydration helps a lot insufficient metabolism. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. This will serve a dual purpose of helping you remove toxins from the body while keeping you full and preventing you from eating unnecessary snacks. Follow a fiber-rich diet as fiber-rich food passes through your body literally untouched. Hence, it can help substantially in weight loss for especially for thyroid patients.

5. Exercise frequently:-

Feeling dull, tired and lazy is common for people suffering from thyroid. Exercising frequently can help a great deal in boosting metabolism and regaining the active state of the body. Regular walking sessions are equally beneficial to build up the stamina. Exercise also releases the happy hormone, oxytocin that beats stress.

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

4 Common Body Problems Faced By Women

Nobody is perfect, there are a list of problems and concerns that everyone has. There is no need to be ashamed of your imperfections as the whole idea is to accept and embrace them. Believe it or not, complaining about these issues just makes everything worse, so just relax as they can happen to literally anyone. 

Beauty is all about how you feel from within and not about how you look on the outside. Anyhow, we do have solutions to these problems, but the key is being patient as you won’t get rid of them in a day. Here is a list of 4 main concerns that women have along with their remedies. 


Cellulite refers to the fat deposits under the skin that are usually formed on the thighs and buttocks. Women are more likely to develop it. Although losing weight may help reduce cellulite, even thin people have it. To lessen the appearance of this, you can use coffee exfoliants, almond oil, skin firming and smoothing serums, dry brushing, mesotherapy etc.   

Excessive Hair Growth-

Some women have too much hair on their body due to genetics, diet, health issues etc. Hair removal is not a new trend and there are many ways to get rid of these follicles. Waxing has been around for a while but it’s also a very painful process. With the development of technology, many new devices have been created which remove hair in a painless way. Laser hair removal treatments have become famous worldwide, though expensive, they permanently get rid of all kinds of hair in a very effective manner.

Stretch Marks-

Stretch Marks are long and narrow, stripes or lines that appear on the skin. They occur in a range of body parts, such as the stomach, thighs, buttocks, breasts, under the arm etc. Although anyone can develop stretch marks, women are more prone to developing them. This scarring happens due to pregnancy, weight loss, excessive weight gain, puberty and other events that cause your body to stretch a lot. There are many ways to prevent these but once you already have them, the best way to get rid is laser treatment for stretch marks. The laser beam removes thin layers of skin around these marks and once the procedure is complete, the area will heal quickly and new layers of healthy skin will develop. 

Vaginal Discharge-

Vaginal discharge is a very normal process that takes place in the female reproductive system, this helps clean the system and prevent any sort of infection- so then what is abnormal about this process? Since the amount of discharge and time period for which it occurs is different in every woman, changes in color, texture, smell etc. can be caused due to many reasons such as vaginitis, chlamydia, diabetes, PCOS, or from taking certain medications like birth control pills. It's necessary that if you notice a change in your vaginal discharge, especially if it is accompanied by other symptoms such as itching or irritation, you seek medical advice immediately to determine the cause and receive treatment if necessary.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Types Of Hernia You Should Know About

A hernia occurs in the human body when an organ pushes through an opening in the tissue or muscle that keeps it in place. For instance, there is a possibility that the intestines break through a weak portion of the abdominal wall.

Hernias aren’t life-threatening immediately, but they can cause potentially dangerous complications and don’t go away on their own, hence requiring surgery. Hernias are most commonly found in the abdomen and are also spotted in the upper thigh, belly button and groin area in the body.

Below are the types of a hernia that occur in the human body:

Inguinal Hernia

This type of a hernia is the most common and makes up 70% of all hernias. Inguinal hernias take place when the intestines push through a weakened area in the lower abdominal wall, most often in the inguinal canal. This canal is located in the groin area; in men, it is situated where the spermatic cord passes from the abdomen to the scrotum. The spermatic cord holds the testicles in place. An inguinal hernia is more common in men as compared to women as a man’s testicles descend through the inguinal canal shortly after birth and if the canal doesn’t close properly behind them, it leaves a weakened area susceptible to hernias.

Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernias are most common in individuals over 50 years old. It occurs when a part of the stomach juts out through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. If a child has the condition, it may be caused by congenital birth defects. Hiatal hernias result in gastro-oesophageal reflux, which is when the contents of the stomach leak backward into the oesophagus causing an uncomfortable burning sensation.

Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical hernias take place in children as well as babies that are under 6 months old. This occurs when the intestines protrude through the abdominal wall close to the bellybutton. A bulge will be visible in or near the child’s bellybutton, especially when they’re crying if they have an umbilical hernia.

If you or someone you know suffers from any of the above-mentioned hernias, be sure to seek out the best hernia surgeon in Delhi and get the required treatment immediately. 

Monday, 16 April 2018

How Is An Ovarian Cyst Formed

An ovarian cyst is formed when fluid collects within a thin membrane present inside the ovary. The cyst, a closed sac-like structure, is separated from the rest of the surrounding tissue by a membrane. It consists of liquid, gaseous, or semi-solid material. The size of the cyst can range from the size of a pea to larger than an orange.

Ovarian cyst treatments are incurred by the ones larger in size. The smaller ovarian cysts are small and harmless. They develop more often during the reproductive years, although they can appear at any point in the life of a woman.

Ovarian cysts often show no signs or symptoms, but they can cause pain and bleeding. Surgical ovarian cyst removal may need to be carried out if the cyst is over 5 centimeters in diameter.

If ovarian cyst symptoms do occur, they include:
  • If symptoms are present, they are not always helpful in diagnosing an ovarian cyst, because other conditions have similar symptoms.
  • The occurrence of irregular and painful menstruation that is heavier or lighter than before.
  • Persistent pain in the pelvis or an intermittent dull ache that spreads to the lower back and thighs of the woman. This symptom may appear just before menstruation begins or ends.
  • The occurrence of dyspareunia, a pelvic pain that takes place during sexual intercourse. It is possible that some women might experience pain and discomfort in the abdomen after sex.
  • Some may women experience pain when passing a stool, pressure on the bowels or a continual need to pass a stool.
  • The woman may experience bloating, swelling, or a feeling heaviness in the abdomen.
  • The woman may have issues in emptying the bladder completely or she may feel the need to urinate frequently.

The women may experience hormonal abnormalities. In this case, the body produces abnormal amounts of hormones, leading to changes in the way the breasts and body hair grow.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Laparoscopic Hernia Surgery Post-Operative Care Instructions

Laparoscopic hernia surgery is a very crucial surgery and it is important that the patient follows post-operative instructions properly to avoid any complications. The instructions are:

Surgery & Follow-up 

The patient can leave once the surgery is done, so ensure that there is some friend or relative that’ll be there to drive you home.


There aren’t any specific changes that one needs to make to his diet after the surgery. However, many patients experience poor appetite for around 7-14 days.  Don’t worry, this is normal post-surgery stress. However, if there is a constant feeling of nausea and difficulty in consumption of liquids, then you must contact your doctor immediately.

Wound care

The right time to take a shower is after 36 hours of your Laparoscopic Surgery in  India or anywhere else in the world. You might have band aids on to cover the incisions, taking them off is a must before you shower.  The incisions are closed in such a way that that scar looks almost negligible. Make sure that you don’t apply any ointment or medication on the incisions.


You don’t need to restrict yourself from doing any physical activity. It is absolutely alright to go for a walk, climb stairs, engage in sexual activity, do light exercises until you feel any kind of pain. In fact, it is recommended that you pursue physical activity soon after the surgery since it is beneficial for your recovery. However make sure that it doesn’t hurt. If it does it is your signal to stop.   
You will experience soreness for about 7-14 days. It is normal. You will also get tired easily during physical activity.


It is different for different people. While joining work right away is not something you are forbidden from, a lot of people take a break of about 1-2 weeks before resuming office.

These were a few instructions you should take care of.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Top Hospitals For Thyroid Treatment In India

If you’re suffering from a thyroid condition or are seeing signs that your hormonal balance may be off – its time to see a specialist who can diagnose you correctly. Getting a treatment done in one of the top thyroid centers is a good option to go for, as you can never be too careful in these matters. You can get a deeper treatment care, better facilities for surgeries (if needed), and more qualified staff members who can help you in your journey. Getting the right kind of care, at the time right, is the key. If you do delay it further, a thyroid condition can become much worse and can have a significant impact on your quality of life and overall health condition. 

Here are the top hospitals when it comes to thyroid treatment in India – 

#1 Fortis Health Care:

The Fortis hospital is one of the top hospitals in India and has a dedicated staff and medical facility to treat patients afflicted with thyroid problems. They have a highly qualified medical team that has decades of experience dealing with a myriad of thyroid conditions and problems.

The quality of care, service, and hospitalization at Fortis is second to none, as the doctors take full care of you from entry to recovery. They want to see you in the best of your health and offer multiple services that can make you feel more relaxed and energized. Fortis’ overall mission is to help patients suffering from all conditions in India so that we can progress as a nation. They have a wide range of treatments including gynecology, endocrinology, and cardiology as well. Their hospital also has one of the finest medical facilities dedicated to endometriosis treatment in India

#2 Narayana Hospital:

The doctors in the endocrinology section at Narayana Health, offer treatments for all major diseases related to the thyroid. They have a large number of departments in their center including oncology, neurology, reproductive medicine, and genetics to create more accurate results for a comprehensive care system for patients. They have doctors with a wide range of experiences, who can heal patients to lead a better life after diagnosis and treatment. 

#3 Manipal Hospitals

Where there is a rise in the number of patients suffering from thyroid-related issues, Manipal Hospitals is providing comprehensive solutions for patients. It’s a top hospital in the region and has a dedicated staff to ensure that the patient feels as comfortable as possible. Whether there may be complications arising from treatment or further testing needed, Manipal is transparent in their approach and provides solutions at all steps.  

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Risk Factors Associated With Ectopic Pregnancy You Should Know

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that is situated outside the inner lining of the uterus. The fallopian tubes are actually the most common locations for an ectopic pregnancy. Many ectopic pregnancies go unnoticed and lead to complications in the long term. So, how does a woman know of the ectopic pregnancy? The three characteristic symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include abdominal pain, absence of menstrual periods and vaginal bleeding; which should not be taken lightly and reported immediately to the doctor, who may advise an ectopic pregnancy surgery. Below, you’ll find risk factors associated with ectopic pregnancy that you should be privy to:


Ectopic pregnancy can take place in a woman of any age, who are sexually active and are ovulating. Women aged between 35-44 years have the highest likelihood of undergoing an ectopic pregnancy.


The greatest risk factor for an ectopic pregnancy is if a woman has experienced an ectopic pregnancy previously. Prior history of an ectopic pregnancy increases the risk considerably.

Fallopian tube abnormalities

Any disruption of the normal structure of the Fallopian tubes can be a risk factor for a tubal pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy in other locations.

Previous gynecological surgeries

If a woman has had surgeries on the fallopian tubes such as tubal sterilization or reconstructive procedures in the past, then this can result in scarring and disruption of the normal anatomy of the tubes, thereby increasing the risk of an ectopic pregnancy.


Sexually transmitted organisms, such as Chlamydia or N. gonorrhea, typically cause pelvic infections. Infection causes an ectopic pregnancy by causing damage or blocking the fallopian tubes. 

Multiple sex partners

As having multiple sexual partners increases the risk of pelvic infections, it is also associated with an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Certain gynecological conditions, history of infertility and IUD use, cigarette smoking can also cause an ectopic pregnancy. Visit a hospital as you seen as you notice a pattern of the disease in the family or experience symptoms. It is advised you visit a multi-specialty hospital that offers treatments ranging from laparoscopic hernia surgery to PCOS treatments, as the symptoms can be due to another disease. 

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

X Signs Of Cervical Cancer You Should Know

Most women come to know they suffer from cervical cancer only after they have taken a Pap test. At the early stages, the disease has no glaring symptoms, making it difficult for doctors to diagnose the disease.

Due to this reason, it is suggested that women start taking the Pap test after the age of 21 after regular intervals. On the other hand, when you start noticing symptoms, by then the cancer may be fairly advanced.

Keep reading to learn about the symptoms of cervical cancer, so that you’re more aware of its signs and can take steps to counteract the disease-

Abnormal bleeding

This is the most common symptom that shows up in women with cervical cancer. These women may notice vaginal bleeding in between periods or after intercourse. Bleeding after menopause and heavy periods also signal to the disease.

Pelvic Pain

Pelvic plain is another strong indicator. This kind of pain may not necessarily be located in a particular area of the pelvis, and it also may not be a very sharp pain. Additionally, pain during intercourse as well as urination is a warning sign.

Vaginal Discharge

Another red flag is a foul smelling vaginal discharge. The discharge can be cloudy or watery. Although, this is not as big of a sign as the symptoms mentioned above, a talk with the doctor in the best gynecology hospital in Delhi is always beneficial in spotting any signs of the disease.


If you’re feeling tired or sluggish lately, then cervical cancer could be a possible cause for it too. Although, it’s not one of the first symptoms that doctor’s would be watching out for.

Change in bowel movement

Another warning sign is the need to pee often or the feeling like you have to go. Persistent change in the quality of your feces is another worrying sign. If these changes last for a week, then one needn’t worry, however if they last for a long time or worse, escalate it’s time to see the doctor in the best maternity hospital in Bangalore.

Friday, 19 January 2018

What Are Some Must Do’s During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a bitter-sweet journey for every mother. It is an emotional roller coaster that brings a lot of changes in a mother’s world. Not only does her body go through physical alterations but psychological changes too.

But no matter what a mother goes through she wishes the best for her baby and tries to do everything in her power to keep the child healthy.

But sometimes we have no control over certain medical circumstances which might cause great difficulty to both the mother and child, so here are some tips every mother should put into practice for a safe pregnancy.

Practice right breathing – Practicing the right breathing techniques is very important as during child birth a mother has to hold her breath from time to time. Breathing properly supplies oxygen to the baby which helps in its growth.  According to best maternity hospital in India, meditation and deep breathing also help to calm the mother.

Exercise regularly – Doing mild exercises throughout pregnancy can help build stamina and keep the mother active. Exercising helps strengthen the thigh and pelvic muscles and increases the chances of normal delivery. But it’s best to exercise under the supervision of an expert as any wrongly done exercise can cause harm to both the mother and baby.

Keep stress away – According to the best gynecologist in Delhi, stress and anxiety are perhaps the worst thing for expecting mothers. Read good books on parenting and be away from situations or people that cause anxiety. It’s important to be happy as maternal stress can have adverse affects on the baby’s health.

Watchful diet – Eating a wholesome, healthy, balanced and nutritious diet is vital to the mother and child’s wellness.  Food nourishes the body of the mother and whatever the mother eats passes onto the baby. Drinking plenty of water and eating fresh fruits and vegetables is good for the mother.

Consult a good doctor –Seeing a good obstetrician is very necessary for the overall well being of the mother and the child. A good doctor can boost your morale and help get rid of delivery fears.
Proper sleep and water – Sound sleep and a good intake of water is essential during pregnancy. Sleep helps with proper growth and development of the baby. Water helps prevent urinary tract infections which pregnant women are prone to.

These tips are really helpful for pregnant mothers and should be practiced daily if you are looking for a comparatively easier birthing experience. 

Thursday, 11 January 2018

Things To Look Out For Before a Cosmetic Surgery

Plastic surgery is widely popular with many believing that it can make one look like what they want to. Especially women are driven towards the idea of making themselves look younger and more beautiful. We used to hear stories about celebrities going for plastic surgery.

However, now even common masses go for it. The notion that it is bad for skin has a two-fold idea to it. Like every other thing, plastic surgery also has its own pros and cons. Getting plastic surgery done is a major decision and one should have an adequate amount of information before and after you choose to go for it. Always look out for best cosmetic surgeons in India if you want to have a clear view of the whole thing.

Below are few pros and cons that one should keep in mind while considering the process.     


  • Cosmetic surgery surely helps improve one’s appearance. A lot of people get the procedure done in order to change or amend a part of their face or any feature which they don’t like. 
  • Plastic surgery if done correctly can help boost self-confidence. There are people who suffer from low self-esteem because of the flaws in their looks. However, plastic surgery is not the solution but can help from the getting the situation to worse.            
  • Plastic surgery is a very efficient way of treating facial or body injuries met during a fatal accident. It helps people get their looks back and make them the way they were before.   


  • Cosmetic surgery should not be done to get rid of medical conditions. For example, if someone is going through headaches should not get eye or forehead lifts to reduce it. 

  • Plastic surgery is very costly. Most of the medical insurance companies do not cover for this. If you have planned for a plastic surgery, be ready to bear the expenses before and after it.

  • At times, outcomes of your cosmetic surgery can be different than what you had expected. People who get it done often keep their expectations high as to what they should be keeping. It is highly advised to talk to your surgeon about it before getting the procedure done.

  • Like any other surgery, the risk of complication is high in this too. Scarring infections along with a lot of others can also happen in the procedure. 

These are a few basic facts that you must keep in mind. Best would be to consult a surgeon who holds good amount of experience in the same field. Fortis Lafemme has the best faculty for the same and they provide proper counsel on whether you should go for the surgery or not. They are also one of the finest IVF center in India.