Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Some Amazing Facts About Botox

For the fashion fiestas and those who never want to compromise on looks, Botox is probably the first thing that comes to mind when wrinkles begin to appear. Since its discovery in the late 1980s, Botox has become a longstanding staple of the beauty industry with numerous cosmetic and clinical uses. Having garnered a reputation for itself, Botox has emerged as one of the proven methods for treating fine lines and wrinkles. Here are some other amazing facts about Botox you need to know before booking your next session-

The Risks And Side Effects Are Very Few

The risk of developing an infection from Botox is almost slim to none. The main ingredient Botulinum toxin A, although might sound scary to you is actually just a natural protein having muscle-relaxing properties. Moreover, the amount of the protein present in Botox injection is carefully monitored and controlled, depending upon the situation. When going for Botox treatment in Delhi, it is advisable to be open about any health concerns or medications that you are taking for your treatment to be more effective.

It Won’t Give You A ‘Stiff’ Look

Unlike the popular belief associated with “frozen look”, Botox will make you look absolutely natural without interfering with your facial expressions when administered by a trained professional. They are aware of the correct procedure and dosage and give you amazing results quite instantly. Hence, it is advisable to search for a genuine and reputable source.

It Works On Muscles and Not Skin

Wrinkles develop when overused muscles get stuck in a certain expression. Since the active ingredient in Botox is a muscle relaxant, it effectively treats the wrinkles by releasing the tension which results in wrinkles. Hence, all you are left with is a smoother skin texture.

Varied FDA Approved Uses

Although it is most popular as a cosmetic treatment, scientists are coming up with more applications of botulinum toxin to treat a variety of health conditions. It is now approved to be used in the treatment of eye twitches, muscle spasms in neck, limbs or face, migraines, underarm sweat, and bladder dysfunction etc.       
It Fits Well Into Busy Schedules

Since Botox is a non-invasive method, the appointment usually lasts only an hour or so. Moreover, it doesn’t result in any side effects and lets you resume normal activities immediately after the session. You never have to think twice before availing the treatment, irrespective of the time. Refrain from doing so after or before exercising however as the high blood pressure can interfere with the results.
So if wrinkles are putting you down, worry not! Book an appointment for Botox treatment in Delhi now to stay young and beautiful forever!

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