Wednesday, 26 June 2019

All You Need to Know About IVF

In Vitro Fertilization has been a boon to innumerable couples all over the world as it has brought them the joy of bearing a child. In the recent years, demand for female infertility treatment has gone up owing to a number of lifestyle changes which lead to increasing incidents of female infertility. In such a scenario, when people realize that they can still conceive, thanks to IVF, the anticipation of it can be both exciting and nerve wrecking. While a number of people would want to get IVF done as soon as possible, here are some things related to the process you should be aware of and take into consideration before deciding to go ahead with IVF:       

•It requires a lot of time and work: From the get-go, IVF treatment is highly labor intensive and involves a number of visits to the doctor. From the first phase itself, you will have to visit the doctor for blood work and ultrasound, almost daily. Then the eggs are removed from the body and three to five days later the embryo is placed in the uterus. Whether IVF has been successful or not is determined around two weeks later, which entails another visit to the doctor.

•Side Effects: You may experience a number of side effects. You will be on a number of hormones and may be highly emotional during the whole process. Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS) can be caused due to the fertility drugs, which can lead to an increase in the number of eggs produced by the ovary. Symptoms for the same include weight gain, dizziness, severe pain in the abdomen, nausea, etc. You should immediately contact your doctor if such symptoms are experienced.

•Slight risk of birth complications: Generally, a number of embryos are planted in the uterus which can lead to multiple pregnancies, thereby resulting in higher chances of a premature birth and reduced weight at birth. This problem can be tackled by testing the embryo for the strongest one and implanting only that embryo in the uterus.

•Doesn’t guarantee that you’ll get pregnant: The most unfortunate fact related to IVF is that pregnancy is not guaranteed. Some women get pregnant within the first try, some get it done multiple times and for some, this method doesn’t work at all. The rate of success of the process mostly depends upon the age of the woman.

It is very important that you get the treatment done from trusted centers only. IVF centers in Delhi are equipped with the latest technology and best facilities. The decision of whether to go ahead with IVF or not should be made after considering all risks and benefits of the process.

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